Bob Dylan Center
Tulsa, OK | Lilly Architects | Olson Kundig
The Bob Dylan Archive houses a collection of over 100,000 items including notebooks and correspondence, handwritten manuscripts, films, videos, artwork, memorabilia, and original studio recordings. The lighting creates an immersive experience and celebrates items that were either previously owned or fabricated by Bob Dylan. A Jukebox (featuring a collection of records that influenced Dylan) accented through track lighting and indirect diffuse cove light in interactive studio “cabins” creates a relaxing and inviting environment for privately listening to records.
All lighting for this archive wall is integral to the shelves and serves a dual purpose as corridor lighting. Linear LED tape was primarily used, except in some instances, miniature adjustable mono-points help illuminate a sack of unread fan letters fading to darkness, a stage tambourine, or a rock and roll jacket worn by Bob Dylan in his prime. When looking down the stairs, black and white wall prints located on the sidewalls are illuminated through bounced light coming from the wood steps in combination with residual field angle light from track heads. The high contrast of the prints and the black metallic walls was key for featuring this exhibit with almost no direct lighting.
"Like A Rolling Stone"
"An Exclusive First Peek at the Bob Dylan Museum"
"The Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa Celebrates the Creative Process, Past and Present"
"Olson Kundig Weaves Together the Complex Life and Work of Bob Dylan in Tulsa"